十大正规网赌平台 promotes conservation and other eco-friendly actions through:
- 回收
- 节能
- sustainable environmental practices.
We encourage you to join our efforts!
回收 Task 为ce is now the 可持续性 Committee
的 EGSC "Green Team" 回收 Task 为ce was created May, 2013. 专责小组 has expanded its scope beyond 回收! 专责小组 is now the "可持续性 Committee" and encompasses 回收, conservation and sustainable environmental practices. To view the works of the committee and committee membership, visit the 可持续发展委员会网页.
该学院是联合国教科文组织的成员 College and University 回收 Coalition with access to technical knowledge and best practices on 回收 and waste reduction programs among institutions of higher education. 资源 include links to educational materials, blogs and social media strategies.
EGSC回收 aluminum cans, plastic bottles, cardboard, and paper at various marked 校园周边位置. Plastic bottles and aluminum cans are collected in Coca-Cola bottle shaped bins made possible by a grant from Keep America Beautiful. EGSC回收 light bulbs, ballasts and UPS batteries. 的 EGSC 餐厅 Hall recycles cooking oil through a partnership with Restaurant Technologies Inc. EGSC接受所有铝罐 collected on campus to the Swainsboro Fire Department for 回收. 消防部门 receives funds for the recycled cans and donates the funds to the Burn Center. 为 more information about this partnership, see the article below in "Featured News."
佐治亚能源挑战赛 -- In October, 2008, then Governor Sonny Perdue issued an Energy Challenge to all state agencies to reduce energy consumption 15% by 2020. 十大正规网赌平台 aggressively took the challenge and has reached the goal! 我们因此得到了认可 accomplishment at the Fall 2013 Board of Regents Facilities Officer’s Conference.
能源 In support of the on-going Energy Challenge, EGSC adopted the "Personal Office Energy Usage Policy" and continues to schedule academic and community facility usage efficiently to maximize 节能. Daily space utilization practices within buildings contribute to the success of this effort. EGSC使用 占用传感器照明 in the Jean Anderson Morgan Student Center, library study rooms, EGSC Statesboro facility and in the Academic Building expansion. Occupancy sensor lights are highly efficient means for saving energy, reducing bulb costs and fixture maintenance costs, and providing 安全.
建筑 -环境安全委员会实务 “自适应使用” to renovate and repurpose existing space which accommodates changing needs and reduces the need for expansion of building footprints as well as the immediate need for additional 设施. Campus buildings have been re-metered to monitor energy usage and efficiently 管理和节约能源.
理由是, 割草机配备了 覆盖工具 to reduce the need for watering. 本地植物种类 are used for their resistance to drought.
水- - - - - - Conservation is practiced by using drip irrigation rather than spray. EGSC有8个 (8) 补水站 在斯温斯伯勒校区. 的 补水站 allow a user to refill his or her personal water bottle, discouraging the purchase of bottled water and thus eliminating the plastic water bottle from the landfill. 的 补水站 track the number of refills and the number of plastic bottlers saved from the landfill with each fill up.
保管的, 管理人员使用 environmentally-friendly cleaning products. Storage space has been reduced by using concentrated chemicals that are diluted 现场.
美国蜜蜂校园 Affiliate Designation - EGSC has been designated as a 美国蜜蜂校园 affiliate! EGSC的山猫养蜂场特色 two hives of European honeybees (Apis mellifera), which are known to be gentle and 优秀的蜂蜜生产者. 的 hives are located on EGSC’s Swainsboro campus to help promote the importance of pollinators in the community and worldwide. 借助便携式设备 observation hive, bees from the apiary will be transported to local educational outreach events and regional schools during Family Science Nights sponsored by the Magnolia Midlands Georgia Youth Science and Technology Center (MMGYSTC), to help educate students about the impact pollinators have on their lives. 山猫养蜂场的蜜蜂也会 offer teaching and research opportunities for students and faculty in the Biology 学位课程. 不要错过了 蜜蜂凸轮 to watch the humming hive of activity that is EGSC’s Bobcat Apiary.
College 政策 in Support of 可持续性
遵循3r原则:减少. 重用. 回收.
十大正规网赌平台 practices, supports, and encourages 回收, 节能, 可持续发展行动.
的 following resources provide valuable information about eco-friendly efforts.